Thought it was about time this thread was brought back up top - so many new registered users in the last couple of weeks - would love to hear from some of you - seeing that user figure going up and up is such an encouragement to me! Long may it continue! How about introducing yourselves here? We'd love to hear from you.
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
"Hey there all you lurkey ones..."
by Simon inhmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
Dubs Worked My Street Today
by FreePeace inthis morning, i went outside for a smoke, and lo and behold, down the street i saw 2 dubs just starting their door-to-door work.
it was an older dub brother i used to know from my old congregation, and an unidentifiable sister.
i knew that they would not be good candidates for the current un/ngo discussion, as he is a dub who really doesn't get it.
individuals wife
I met a witness doing street work this morning, one who was new to the cong. and did not know my background as a da'd JW.... anyway this JW started the usual spiel with a leaflet and I said that I was familiar with their stuff....
JW: Good morning, we are showing people this leaflet this morning...
IW: Ah, yes, I am familiar with your stuff....
JW: Oh, we've spoken to you on the door?
IW: Um, yeessss.
JW: So what do you think?
(At this point I noticed two JWs very close by who DID know me... time to get something said before they come and drag the JW away from that 'evil apostate woman'!)
IW: I hear there have been some rumblings in your organisation just recently...
JW: Um, no, what do you mean?
IW: Concerning the UN? I hear you are friends with them now, not like it used to be when you called them every derogatory name you could.
JW: I don't understand...
IW: The Society are an NGO of the UN, they support it and are associated with it now, bit of a shock that.... (quick, quick, JWs have spotted me and are headed this way!.....)
JW: No, you are wrong, we don't have anything to do with wordly organisations like that, no you are wrong.
IW: No, I'm not, honestly!
JW: No, no, you are wrong, you are wrong...(JW starts backing away, literally, walking backwards away from me)
IW: No, I'm not - phone them if you don't believe me!
JW beats a hasty retreat to the security of three JWs standing close by, they then stand looking at me and muttering......Just wish I'd not had to rush things before I was 'spotted', never mind, hopefully a seed of doubt may have been planted, or a thought that will be brought to mind later on....
For those of you who attend a church
by closer2fine ini was raised a jw & left when i was 19. my husband went to a few different churches growing up (catholic, methodist etc) but he doesn't really consider himself a member of any particular denomination.
he considers himself a christian, although he isn't sure what he believes or if he believes in the bible as god's word.. i have run from any type of organized group that is controlling.
i don't know if i believe in god, or the bible as anything more than a series of stories with life lessons in them.
individuals wife
closer.... interesting questions.... the exact same ones I've been asking myself lately - any more ideas from anyone? I do not want my kids to grow up with the twisted concept of religion that the JWs have left them with, I want them to be interested in exploring their beliefs and have inquiring minds as to the meaning of life, God, religion and everything. I want them to realise that spirituality and faith are not something just reserved to the organisation.
I for one sometimes miss the companionship that a congregation gives you and the spiritual conversation that goes with it but I am not prepared to compromise my own beliefs and go along to a church that I cannot endorse - like Closertofine said - do you HAVE to believe all that they teach or are all religions as rigid and inflexible in their belief systems as the JWs? I have attended both the Methodist and Baptist Churches before I was a JW and found both to be 'not my cup of tea' - where to go next? Or do I NEED to go anywhere??
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
individuals wife
Yes, run, Watchtower run, as fast as you can, we are right behind you..
To mymailmum
by individuals wife inmymailmum.
yet again i am reading your stock answers to new posters... with all respect - cant you come up with anything new?
obviously you are working on repetition for emphasis this week in your ministry school - only it wont work here i'm afraid!
individuals wife
Yet again I am reading your stock answers to new posters... with all respect - cant you come up with anything new? Obviously you are working on repetition for emphasis this week in your ministry school - only it wont work here I'm afraid! People here have been through too much, seen too much, endured too much. They have tired of making excuses for the organisation which is what you try to do - you accuse people of being weak - it takes a lot of strength and courage to walk away from the organisation and put up with the vile practice of shunning. It takes a lot of guts to stand up for your principles and beliefs. It is no good saying that a few imperfect men in the congregation should not push you out of the 'truth', it is not a case of a few imperfect men - the whole organisation is rotten to the core - just take the example of the UN business coming to light at the moment - have you bothered to read all the information posted about it on the main board? You should. It is very interesting..... is your faith strong enough to examine it? Or will you run away from the facts?
I am normally a meek and mild mannered person who does not usually make outspoken posts like this - but in this instance I just find your practice of nipping in, making undesirable comments, then running away again extremely annoying. Hang around and debate a little with us and then you may have a little more credibility. At least then you will be able to put a little more time on your ministry time sheet!
Here's my story (I'm new here)....
by crownboy ini am a 4th generation witness (on both sides of the family) and indeed my entire family (save for the few who "fall away" in every family) are jehovah's witnesses.
my dad is an elder, my mom a regular pioneer and my two elder sisters the same.
my younger sister is 17 and still unbaptized, so therefore she is sort of a "black sheep" in our family and "spiritually weak" for not having already "taken the dip in the pool" (however, due to her overall open-minded nature, i am perhaps closest to her).
individuals wife
mymailmum is at it again....
Crownboy -
I always found it profoundly disturbing that God would kill over 99% of the earth simply because they did not worship him in a particular manner. I could never imagine many of my worldly friends, many of them more God fearing than certain Witnesses, dying at Armageddon because they went to a church instead of a Kingdom Hall.
Absolutely spot on there - couldnt agree with you more - I heard a comment once in the KHall that even the worst JW in the world is better than the best wordly person.... that really made me very cross. There are so many people in the world that are truly good and love God and Jesus deeply. I have also met JWs who I know to be masquerading as good members of the congregation when in truth I know that they have very large skeletons in their cupboards. I firmly believe that God looks into the hearts of people, He examines their heart condition - he examines their motives. What motives do the JWs have in serving God? They see a reward at the end of it all, they see their prize - they always say dont they - 'keep your eye on the prize'. What is the motive of a true Christian? Certainly not a reward but a eagerness to please God, to praise and worship Him and give thanks for all His blessings. It all boils down to motive and heart condition.You say that you have an inquisitive mind - that is good - feed it! There is nothing to stop you now from researching anything you find interesting, enjoy the freedom! And welcome to the board!
I'm a newbie so here's my story...
by Rizzo ini have been reading the posts here for a while and decided it was time to introduce myself and tell you about my experiences.
sorry it is so long, but there is quite alot to tell!
i was half brought up as a jw from birth.
individuals wife
mymailmum -
Cant you think of anything new to say.... your responses are getting very predictible ....
May I make a suggestion...
Oh, by the way a big welcome to Rizzo - good to have you here!
to individuals wife
by josephus inwhy does there have to be a point in celebrating a festival - why cant.
it just be a good excuse to have the family get together and enjoy each.
others company, have good food and drink and have a few days off to.
individuals wife
if you feel like it feel free.
have a nice crimbo, and a super new year.
Many thanks Josephus - I appreciate your good wishes. I also appreciate your own reasons for not celebrating - what ever makes you feel comfortable is fine by me - gone are my days of JW intolerance and prejudice - do what is right for you, just make sure that you are happy.
i am doing ok.....
by airwlk149 ini just re-read all my previous posts and reply's... amazing stuff!
it makes me laugh... no one ever replied to one of my posts... it's lost somewhere under the main room.
i am doing good.
individuals wife
Just letting you know I'm rooting for you - I put a little message for you on your I MOVED OUT post.......
Keep going Katie.... stay strong.
by airwlk149 inok, so i moved out on saturday.
i am not 18 for 17 more days but my mom asked me to leave early all the same.
on friday things got hairy, we had jw friends from out of town visiting, and i exploded.
individuals wife
Katie - I am so glad things are working out for you, I have been following your posts with interest - you should be so proud of yourself in taking a stand against the organisation - it takes a lot of courage. It can be so easy for people to critisize the way in which you left the JWs but it has to be realised that there never is a right way or wrong way to do it. It all depends on the individuals circumstances. I da'd and cut all ties completely to make a clean break from it all - I wanted to make a real statement, but then, I had no family left in the org. to worry about. Understandably if you have family still in then it can be so much more traumatic and your decision affects not only yourself but others you love as well. The one situation that really saddens me is when a person stays in the org. just for the sake of loved ones, that is so unfair. The Society are very cruel for imposing shunning - and even more cruel for misleading people in the world into thinking shunning does not include family members. I wish you joy and happiness in your future and the strength to continue on your journey of self-discovery. There are a lot of good people out in the world, regardless of what the JWs have told you - I hope you enjoy the freedom to explore your options in life.
TO MYMAILMUM - I get a sense of deja vu when I read your post to Katie..... seems I have come across you saying these exact same words before. Working on repition for emphasis are we?? Or cant you tailor your comments towards different individuals with different problems - you seem happy just to supply stock answers. Upon reading your comments again it seems you put all the blame of Katie leaving upon herself - calling her weak. She is not weak - she has stood up for what she believes in, she has taken a step back to examine her life as a JW and is not happy with it and is prepared to risk a hell of a lot to regain her freedom.
Through all my experiences as a JW I now realise that God is not behind the organisation - it is so clear now. All the organisation consists of is men, rules and regulations, money, property, deception and emotional blackmail. They do not have any special divine importance, in fact I think a lot of what they do is extremely displeasing to God, they hark back to the days of the Pharisees with all their regulations. It is no longer a joy to serve God through the auspices of the Watchtower Society, they have relied on the teachings of man rather than the teachings of Jesus. They have become overly concerned with money and property - was Jesus like that? I dont think so. They have become overly concerned with time, hours and records - was Jesus like that? No. They have become overly concerned with the prize at the end of the line - this paradise earth - was that the message that Jesus brought? No, he taught love. He did not teach death and destruction, he did not frighten people into loving Him and His Father. I have now realised that the Society does not have the love that Jesus talks of, just twisted ideas, hypocrisy and prejudice towards anyone who does not think their way. I want no part of it.